For Parents
We are so excited to have you and your children join us in our celebration! One of our greatest priorities was having a wedding day that was accessible and enjoyable for all ages attending, both young and old.
Because of that, here are some tips and thoughts we wanted to share regarding the littlest crew we’ll have at the party!
First off, this is Josh’s family’s property. We are hoping for the ambiance to be comfortable and fun and for kids to feel happy and free to play. Because of that-
What to Wear- Please do not feel obligated to dress your children up for a formal wedding. Comfy shoes (for all, but especially kids!) are highly encouraged and because it will be outdoors in grass and on fun hills to roll down, outfits that are not their very nicest are probably the way to go ;)
Food and Entertainment- Packed snacks and coloring books, etc. for the ceremony are totally welcome! We will be eating a light dinner (dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian inclusive options will be available for those with dietary restrictions) with dessert around 4:00 but kids aren’t always hungry on a convenient schedule. Please feel more than free to make sure your kids are happy, fed, and occupied since this will be a laid back ceremony.
Timeline- Our expectation is that the evening activities will be wrapping up around 5:30/6:00 so out of town guests and those with children can get home before everyone turns into pumpkins :)
Safety- Finally and perhaps most importantly, the property is a working ranch, which comes with a lot of fun and some notable hazards. Please be sure to keep an eye on your children. Cattle guards, a small pond, and any questionable areas will be roped off and far enough away that small children would not be at risk. But please stress the importance to older children of staying out of roped off areas primarily for their safety and also so they don’t step in cow pies. No one wants to ride home smelling like cow pies ;) Additionally, there are (avoidable) thickets/brambles/woods that older and younger children may wander into and get thorns/thistles. Any “hazards” are all super avoidable but please do keep an eye out for your kids. There’s tons of open space to play!
Love to you and your crew!
Joshua Crist & Morgan Brown
-our future address-
2222 Hancock St. Apt. 2-S
Rockford, IL